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          Chairmans Statement

          Chairmans Statement
          Dear reader,

          Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

          Since we founded Pioneer Pharma in 1996 we have grown at a rapid pace to become one of the largest distributors of imported pharmaceuticals in China.

          On 5 November 2013 we passed another milestone when we went public and Pioneer received its listing at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Next we have big plans for the future, including our expansion into South-East Asia and more participations in Western companies.                                                                

          We are living in exciting times with the rebirth of China offering countless new opportunities for business and at the same time improving the lives of all Chinese people every day. Pioneer is a proud part of this development and we work hard to expand our product and service range to maximize the benefits for both people and business.

          We believe in a long-term growth strategy that focusses on the forging of strong ties with our business partners. Our core values that promote honesty, respect and harmony, not in the least in relation to our partners, are key to achieving this.
          These relationships are the foundation for our success and I wish to thank all of our partners for their trust in us.


          Xinzhou (‘Paul’) Li
