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          Intro to Pioneer Ho...

          Intro to Pioneer Ho...
          Introduction to Pioneer Pharma (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

          Pioneer Pharma (Hong Kong) Co., Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Pioneer Pharma Holdings Limited. The company was established in February 2013 in Hong Kong with main business including pharmaceutical and medical equipment sales, import and export trade, and equity investment. The company’s suppliers are mainly in Europe and the United States, and its customers include those in mainland China, Hong Kong and some other areas.  Meanwhile, the company has made equity investment and established enterprises respectively in mainland China, United States and some other areas.

          Contact us
          Address: Room 1106, 11/F., Golden Gate Commercial Building, 136-138 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
          Phone:(852) 2628 7422
          Contact person:Betty Lam
          Email: betty.lam@www.xeenyeeda.com